Here are some suggestions to help you and your child establish positive attendance habits:
- Create morning and evening routines.
- Make sure your child gets enough sleep and a nutritious breakfast each day.
- Schedule all appointments for your child after school, on weekends or during student's vacation or holidays, if possible.
- Post school calendars and schedules in a visible place.
- Plan family vacations for non-school days only.
- Help your child develop a positive attitude toward school and learning by encouraging him/her to participate in school activities.
- Communicate often with your child's teacher and request assignments missed during absences.
- Please inform us of any issues that may be affecting your child's attendance, including chronic health conditions.
Regular Attendance
- Better Grades
- Less need for intervention
- Better self-esteem
- Greater Success
Tips to help you
- Create a daily schedule
- Eat a healthy diet
- Go to bed early
- Get up early
- Prepare your school materials the night before