Support Hazeltine Through Fundraising
Hazeltine Opportunities
- Sign up for the Ralphs Community Rewards Program.
- When you shop at Ralphs or Food4Less, use your Ralph's Club Card, donations will be made to our school all year long!
- There are two ways to sign up! (Do EITHER one.)
- Sign up online Ralphs. Then use your rewards card when you make purchases.
- Call 1-800-443-4438
For more information click here
Enter ID #94317
Ask your friends & family to sign up as well! Thank You for the support!!!
We do need you to sign up each year.
Sign up for the app on your smart phone
We earn 10¢ for every Box Top you send in. It's easy to find Box Tops. Clip Box Tops from hundreds of your favorite products. To see a list of participating products go to BoxTops or to print out a collection sheet
When you fill up your collection sheet, please return it to the office
We have received almost $200.00 already this year!
Thank you to Everyone who has registered their Ralphs/Food 4 Less card
Every dollar you spend at these grocery stores supports Hazeltine once you register your card.
It's easy to sign up!
Office Depot When you shop at Office Depot and give them our number Hazeltine receives a portion of the sale - 5% Back To Schools Program. Plus we earn Free Supplies for Your Child's School! Hazeltine Elementary program ID No. is: 70016178 This unique cash-back program for schools can not only benefit your child's school now, but help keep them in free supplies all year long. All you need to do is make a qualifying purchase at Office Depot and present your school's 5% Back to Schools program ID - and we'll take care of the rest.(Download a list of qualifying products.) How Does It Work?